Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 13, Issue : 2, Year : 2023
Article Page : 83-86
Dental caries remains a significant public health issue. Using fluoride is the most efficient method of preventing dental cavities. Fluoride is now a crucial component of preventive dental care. The goal of current research is to discover methods for enhancing fluoride efficacy. As a caries-prevention strategy, fluoride therapy in the form of fluoride devices, prophylactic paste, or re-mineralizing agents has been widely employed. This review's objective is to enlighten readers on recent findings about fluoride's potential benefits in preventing dental cavities.
Keywords: Fluoride, Prophylactic paste, SDF
How to cite : Bansal A, Yadav P, Yadav K, Yadav P, Topical fluoride application in dentistry by professionals: A literature review. Arch Dent Res 2023;13(2):83-86
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Received : 19-10-2023
Accepted : 20-11-2023
Viewed: 669
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