The Robin Anomalad : A Case Report Of Rare Genetic Disorder With Rare Oral Manifestations

  • Komal Ravindra Deotale,*  
  • Ashish Babanrao Lanjekar,  
  • Isha Ram Madne,  
  • Raksha Bhagwan Jaiswal,  
  • Shraddha Damodar Chincholkar,  
  • Disha Vijay Alhat


This case report describes a case of non-syndromic Pierre Robin Syndrome (ns-PRS) in a 17-year-old male patient with unique oral characteristics, adding to the body of knowledge on unusual PRS presentations. There was enough literature to support all of the unusual findings reported in this instance leading to a precise diagnosis of Grade I ns-PRS. Some individuals with PRS might show all the typical signs, whereas others may appear with only rare signs. Such kind of more rare manifestations should be recognized and should be reported further to add credence to the literature on unusual manifestations of PRS.


Pierre Robin Syndrome, Bird face, The Robin Anomalad, Ankyloglossia, Bifid tongue, Hypodontia, Micrognathic mandible, Prognathic maxilla

Ahead of Print Date : 2024-05-30

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