Mandibular Odontogenic Keratocyst: A Case Report of 35 years old Male.

  • Raksha Bhagwan Jaiswal,*  
  • Ashish Babanrao Lanjekar,  
  • Isha Ram Madne,  
  • Komal Ravindra Deotale,  
  • Mariya Mohd Hayat Shaikh


Previously referred to as keratocyst odontogenic tumour (KOT), or odontogenic keratocyst (OKC), these benign cystic lesions involving the mandible or maxilla exhibit aggressive behaviour and a high recurrence rate. It is thought that the lesions originate from the cell rests of the dental lamina. The great majority of OKC odontogenic keratocyst patients are asymptomatic and are found by coincidence during standard imaging examinations. This report describes a case of odontogenic keratocyst involving mandible along with its long-term follow-up after the surgical treatment was performed.


Odontogenic Keratocyst, Keratocystic Odontogenic tumor, Carnoy’s solution, Enucleation

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